Thursday, March 11, 2010

So a nerd walks into a bar...

On March 2, I presented at Pecha Kucha Night Chicago, which some have called a "powerpoint slam" or "grown up show-and-tell."  The event happens every few months at Martyrs', a bar in Chicago.  I had six minutes and forty seconds to say whatever I wanted.  I had to use the 20x20 format: 20 slides, each on the screen for 20 seconds.

Here's what happened:

Check out Pecha Kucha Night.  It's wacky awesome.

Many thanks to Peter Exley and Thorsten Bösch for making this event and this video possible, and to Andy Hall for being a delightful emcee.


  1. AWESOME!! Funny AND with many cool points. I've been thinking a lot about these things too, so it's great to hear your perspective on it.

  2. Thanks for giving the Rosser posse your website, Noah! This was a really cool presentation to watch. Have great fun on your travels- I look forward to reading about them here.
